Resinate Recycling May Updates

Big News and Updates from Resinate Recycling (May 2022)


As Neil Degrasse Tyson keeps telling us, the universe is expanding – but not as quickly as Resinate and High Grade’s recycling partnership. We recently launched 4 new recycling + rewards locations with Curaleaf Dispensary at 48th St, Central, Midtown, and Camelback! That makes 9 locations where you can now get High Grade rewards coupons for recycling.


This is part of a greater expansion during the month of May where we’ll begin installing our systems for cannabis packaging at all Curaleaf Dispensary locations in Arizona, and this expansion will vastly increase the impact we make on recycling packaging. With support from the High Grade Helping Hands initiative, this recycling program will go farther than ever this year and our new and existing dispensary partners are excited.












Here’s a focus in on the recycling impact report from the Marigold Energy Pod in April. People recycled over 500 containers, and then a few days ago, 6 new rewards members from April received their coupons for High Grade at Marigold. In total, at all High Grade-partnered locations in April, people recycled over 3000 containers, and 59 new rewards participants earned coupons which they received at the beginning of May.



We also saw 10 new rewards members within the first couple of weeks at Curaleaf 48th St, and several at each location during our first launch day at the 3 new Curaleaf recycling locations on May 2nd. Prerolled joint tubes, Curaleaf house flower jars, and mylar “exit bags” were the most common items to be recycled in the Energy Pod at these locations so far.


Resinate plans to soon acquire a new workship and recycling facility where even more can be accomplished. While Resinate only accepts plastics currently, the plan is to begin accepting all cannabis packaging (glass, paper, metal, etc) by Summer 2022.


Along with expanding locations, we have a few events coming up where you can recycle for exclusive raffles, learn about the High Grade partnership, and experience the Twisted Tray first-hand if you haven’t already. Our Tucson friends will be happy to know that Resinate will be at AZ Cannafriends Tucson meetings (in addition to Cannafriends Phoenix chapter meetings) every month! We also have concrete plans to launch an additional permanent Energy Pod location in Tucson on May 19th, which means beginning that day, people can finally recycle dispensary cannabis packaging (and get rewards from High Grade USA) at a dispensary in Tucson, Arizona! We’ll announce that when it happens, but if you see a trend lately, you might guess which one it is!


We’ll also be representing this partnership and what we do at the Phoenix Cannabis Awards Music Festival on May 20, 2022. Resinate will have a table set up, and Resinate co-founder & CEO Garret Schwartz will be a featured speaker at the festival. Garret is also nominated in multiple award categories, although he likes to say a vote for him is a vote for the Resinate team, because it’s always a team effort in his view.